Which areas are most to be treated against red mite ?

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    Is it useful to treat also the hygiene lock and poultry building surroundings against red mite ? Or is only the part of the building/material hosting animals to be treated ?

    Hanne Nijs

    Treatment against poultry red mite is best carried out at the early stages of infestation and thoroughly. Not only the housing system should be considered, but also walls, ceilings, the equipment that is taken into the hen house. Pay special attention to areas where dust, debris and manure can accumulate. Red mites like to settle on or around manure. When manure is removed from the hen house, it could be useful to treat the surroundings of the manure storage and the outside of the hen house to try and prevent mites that were removed with the manure from re-entering the hen house.


    Thanks Hanne, so you are talking about the inside of the poultry building. I understand that it is not interesting to treat the hygiene lock and the surroundings of the building ?

    Hanne Nijs

    It of course depends from farm to farm and the infestation whether it is necessary to treat the hygiene lock. During the empty period you can of course treat the hygiene lock as a preventive measure. If for example during the flock there are large clusters of red mite present in close proximity to or you notice red mites inside the hygiene lock you would in fact treat there as well. During the empty period you can of course treat the hygiene lock as a preventive measure.
    Treating the surroundings of the building (including the manure storage) can be done to prevent mites that were removed from the hen house with the manure from re-entering the hen house. So treating the outside of the buildings with for example silica can be done to create a barrier for the mites that are looking for a way back into the house.

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