What about foot bath ? What does it tell from us ?

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  • #1392
    Foesser Franck

    We have all seen the foot baths. We have all soaked our boots, pediatrics and much less our shoes at the price they cost.
    A foot bath disinfectant is effective in 1 minute… that’s a long time. I’ve never seen anyone bathe that long.
    Some disinfectants change color when they are no longer effective….and the groundhog packs the chocolate before sending them to us!
    The foot bath outside is not cool, especially in the rain, and when it’s in the SAS, how many are put at each end?
    On the other hand, when I see a foot bath, it tells me that I am in a place where I have to be careful and it tells me a lot about the breeder. Hold the cluttered sink and the lack of soap just as much.

    Mattias Delpont

    I agree that is may be seen as a “warning sign” for visitors. But as it is most likely ineffective (or a possible source of contamination) efforts should be targetted to changing boots ot using boot/shoe covers. the presence of poultry barn-specific boots (or boot covers) on the other side of the bench should also have this “warning sign” effect. I believe that the efforts for biosecurity (a person would have a limited “amount” of efforts dedicated to biosecurity) should be targetted on efficient practices.
    Also, to increase the visitor sense of responsibility, a visitor log should be used in each barn.

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